Our company Wembley Recycling Ltd can organise a collection of your batteries or you can bring them to our recycling unit at 560 Market Way Middlx HA0 2BT. 

Remember to make sure when transporting lead acid batteries to load them in a safe way where they cannot move around otherwise this could cause the batteries to topple over and leak.

Lead car batteries recycling Wembley, London

End of life car batteries are often left out as with bins as rubbish but this can be a hazardous to other
people especially pets and small children who are unaware that batteries contain harmful acid.
London  Scrap  Batteries
We recommend keeping your waste lead acid batteries in a safe place and inside a strong leak proof box if possible.
We would need a minimum of 50kg of batteries bought to us before we would pay for them our prices start at 10p per kg, collections of small amounts of lead acid batteries would usually be free, we would pay for larger amounts of batteries and again the prices would start at 10p per kg prices would increase on the amount of weight you have also there would be no extra charge for collection.
Telephone: 07802 780 631

If you have any lead acid batteries to dispose give Wembley Recycling Ltd a call today on 07802780631 we will be happy to help.
London lead car batteries recycling | Wembley car battery recycling
24 Hour Contact Number Tel 08726300123 at 14p min